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This just in . . . from outer space

Donald Trump is now "unaffiliated" according to CNN "in order to preserve his right to run for president as an independent if he's not satisfied with who the Republicans nominate."  (That should be "whom" in the previous sentence, but that's minor.)  This is pretty rich, or at least so I thought until another late breaking non-story appeared on my computer screen.  What, you may be wondering, could be more of a non-story than this?

It seems Gary Busey, last seen acting up on Sober House, has withdrawn his endorsement of Newt Gingrich for President.  Said Busey, "It is not time for me to be endorsing anyone at this time! When there are the two final candidates, then I will endorse."  Only in what I thought was still America would anyone care about Busey's endorsement of anything, although who cares is beyond me.

Gosh, I wonder whom Kim Kardashian is endorsing.


  1. I can only assume these stories got "bandwidth" for laughs. The other day I saw something about Chuck Whoolery complaining about Obama was a socialist.

  2. I never knew Trump was affiliated with anyone but himself. I remember when he and Jesse "The Body" Ventura and Pat Buchanan turned the Reform Party into a three-ring circus in 2000, but if he can do the same with the Republican Party, all power to him ; )

  3. For more Chuck Woolery's checkered career, go here:

  4. I suppose Trump can always turn his casinos into mega-churches if he decides to become a tele-evangelist. He certainly has the hair for it, and with his arm stretched out it looks like he is trying to heal someone.

  5. I thought it was pretty funny that Newt, Rick Perry, Bachmann and Santorum all failed to get on the Virginia primary ballot. Of course Newt cried fraud,

  6. Speaking of Gary Busey,

  7. In the latest non-news,

  8. The first dude as he is known ....

    I have to admit I've been glued to all of this, and have watched most of the debates (it's winter in Montana). The candidates are down right weird and not particularly smart, but what I find unsettling is that close to 50% of us will actually vote for one of these guys (and at one time one very weird woman).

  9. Yes, it is kind of wierd and points to just how senseless the GOP electorate has become if they can't even figure out that Obama has pretty much run the country with their best interests in mind. But, they are so hell bent to have one of their own in office that they can't see beyond their noses. If anyone should be upset at this point it should be Democrats who have watched Obama slowly morph into (Bill) Clinton over the span of three years. Their administrations are virtually interchangeable at this point.

  10. But then I guess there are those Democrats who liked Clinton ; )

  11. I certainly liked Clinton better than his Republican opponents, just as I like Obama better than his.

  12. The village idiots a/k/a Republican candidates for president are at it again:

  13. Smart young man,

    “I think you have to have so much trust in who you support, just from product endorsements to endorsing a candidate because if that person or company does something (bad), it reflects on you,” Tebow told the AP.

    He would be wise to withhold his endorsement, as all you have are a desperate bunch of wannabes who will do anything and say anything for a vote.

  14. Wow!

  15. Seems Sarah Palin's endorsement still has some zing, as Newt has enjoyed a little bounce in South Carolina. Curious why she went against her gal pal, Nikki, in the Palmetto State, as the governor has come out in support of Rombo.

  16. Seems like Trump is "affiliated" once again,

    Or, maybe they plan to run together on the "Plan 9 from Outer Space" party in the general election ; )


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