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The Mar-a-Lago Mole

You have to enjoy the cruel irony here if indeed Jared is selling out his father-in-law.  Self-preservation mostly, as Jared doesn't want to spend the rest of his life behind bars.  However, you have to ask who stood most to gain from running off with all these classified documents?  Certainly not Donald, as it is doubtful he would have had little interest in them other than to maybe sell them to the highest bidder.  However, Jared is the one prostituting himself these days.  The whole thing is like an update of The Gang that Couldn't Shoot Straight.  

It would be comical if there weren't so many deluded followers willing to literally put their lives on the line for this deeply dysfunctional family.  Trump doesn't have to shoot anyone on 5th Avenue.  There are many persons willing to do that for him.  I never could understand this devotion but I see support oozing from my conservative friends on facebook.

I have to admit I never saw nuclear secrets coming.  I would have figured he would have taken documents that would have incriminated himself.  Apparently, he was busy flushing a lot of these documents down toilets all over the White House before he left.  I suppose this is why he did't have time to attend the inauguration.  I half expected him to still be inside the White House when the Biden family arrived, shouting "just a minute!"  

This is more Trump's style than running away with nuclear secrets that he could have just as easily given away while still in the White House.  This opens up one more line of investigation and possible indictment.  He's already got three or four separate investigations hanging over his head, with the RNC covering his growing legal expenses.  I don't get this either, how a billionaire can't afford his own lawyers?

None of it really makes sense and the more it is discussed the more nonsensical it becomes.  To a large degree this is how Trump has been able to get away with so much.  Just when you think you have the rat cornered, he commits an even more audacious act defying all credulity.  I suppose this is why his supporters believe he is being framed and the FBI has long been a convenient scapegoat for all the injustices in this country.

His supporters seem to miss the salient fact that he appointed the current FBI director Christopher Wray and many of his subordinates, having done away with Comey and McCabe early on in his administration.  Not that I had much sympathy for them, especially Comey, who sabotaged Hillary's campaign in the final weeks.  We could have avoided this entire fiasco had Comey just kept his mouth shut, but no he had to reopen her emails, which fell right into Trump's little hands.  Many thought Comey did this intentionally, but he quickly fell out of favor with Trump, trying to hide his 6 foot 10 inch frame in the recesses off the Oval Office only to be called out for his lack of loyalty over the Mueller investigation. 

Much to Trump's frustration, he found out that the Department of Justice and FBI didn't work directly for him.  He would have preferred they be his private "gestapo," which is what Republicans are calling the FBI these days, but they answer to a higher authority.  Not God but rather the Constitution, something Donald obviously didn't make himself aware of before assuming office.  The sad part is that not just his deluded followers but most of the GOP are siding with Trump in his greatest moment of distress, believing that the Biden administration "weaponized" the FBI, when in fact the Republicans did throughout Trump's term in office, launching unwarranted investigations not just into Hillary's email records but those of Hunter Biden as well, determined to find a smoking gun that would bring the Democrats down.  Instead, they managed to shoot themselves in the foot repeatedly.

There was a wave of sympathy for Trump in the immediate aftermath of this "unpresidented' raid, but it quickly petered out, and now you see a much stronger backlash to all the ridiculous accusations leveled at the FBI and Department of Justice since Merrick Garland unsealed the warrant.  Republicans didn't expect that.  They thought they could make up their own version of the warrant but here it is all spelled out in black and white, looking none too pretty for everyone involved.

The big question was why was any of this information still hidden at his Mar-a-Lago mansion?  It is obvious that the DOJ was tipped off.  The only question is by whom?  Many are pointing their fingers at Jared because he is looking for something to deflect attention away from the investigations into his own shady deals with the Saudis.  Maybe if he gave away a bigger fish, or set up a bigger fish?  Whatever the case, it is not looking too good for the Trump family, nor any of the political hacks that were hoping to use his electoral clout to get themselves into political office.  Maybe Jared just decided to burn the house down and see what he could collect from the ashes?


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