Looks like Colin Kaepernick did Gabby Douglas one better by sitting down for the national anthem, but Gabby wasn't lodging any sort of protest . Colin said the flag is an insult to black people and people of color, citing police brutality as his principal concern in this country. He also took exception to the fact that Francis Scott Key was a slave owner and an ardent anti-abolitionist. CNN offers some backstory , including the rarely-sung third verse in which Key apparently sees slaves as expendable in times of war. Not like many Americans can make their way through the first verse without mumbling the lines more or less to the music. There is no rule in the NFL or any professional sport that says a player has to stand for the national anthem, but players who choose not to honor the flag face the wrath of the public or in today's age -- social media. Not one to let a golden opportunity go to waste, the Trumpster chimed in , "maybe he sho...