It's been a fun ride - more than 2000 posts and 10,000 comments over a 12-year period - but there doesn't seem to be much recent activity other than periodically being hit by lurkers in Russia and the occasional comments offering escort services in India. I've long been curious who these Russian lurkers are. They leave no comments, but they pop up fairly regularly, suggesting that my blog is on someone's radar screen. I delete the Indian escort services. I never intended for this to become my blog. It was initially imagined as a forum for American history readers after the old New York Times Reading forums were shut down in the mid 2000s, so I created a haven for the handful of history buffs who enjoyed doing a group read from time to time. That group thinned out over the years, with the readers reduced to two -- Trippler and me. I began posting more and more personal observations, eventually becoming obsessed with the Trump administration, which app...