My wife was translating excerpts to me from a book on healing the liver. She took quite a shock to the system the other day when she tried a bullet coffee , which includes butter and MCT oil. A friend of hers swears by this drink. She immediately started sweating and felt awful the rest of the day. Turns out this drink is a killer on the liver, packed with so many unsaturated fats that her liver took quite a pounding. She recovered and is now reading a Lithuanian edition of Anthony William's Liver Rescue , convinced that celery juice will restore her liver to full glow. The only problem is that Anthony William is not a doctor, or even dietician, but rather a " medical medium ," who claims he was given the power to cure at the very young of age of four by a spirit second only to God, and has been sharing his secrets on the Internet, garnering nearly 2 million followers, including some high profile ones like Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow and Sly Stall...