Tom Cruise was never an actor you could warm up to the way you could Brad Pitt or even Johnny Depp. He always came across as cold and aloof. But, here he is the rage of Cannes and for that matter the world over, as Top Gun: Maverick soars to the top of the box office, displacing Dr. Strange and his Multiverse of Madness. I wasn't left with any great impression of the first Top Gun so won't bother with the new one. Personally, I think Hollywood has a golden opportunity with The Ghost of Kyiv, a far more compelling story than this rubbish. Yet, the critics have fawned over Top Gun too. Even the Village Voice was surprisingly enthusiastic, calling it a " blockbuster joyride ." I suppose it does provide its vicarious thrills for those who dream of racing across the skies in an F/A-18, but I think comparing Cruise to Nureyev is a bit much, especially since the latter didn't need a hypersonic jet to defy gravity. There were some beefs, like why didn't th...