I have to say I like that so many persons are looking into my blog. However, these "persons" don't seem to be looking at any recent posts. Did you just happen to click on the wrong blog site? This month has seen a major upsurge in visitors - 18,861 to be exact - and it is only January 14. The greatest number of visitors is from Brazil. It tapers down significantly to Turkiye, Uzbekistan, Argentina, Russia, and Venezuela. United States, UK and Canada are not among the top locations, and this is an English-speaking blog, mostly about American-centered stories. I have to think something else is afoot, so I consulted Quora. There is a list of possibilities, the most likely being spam traffic through bots. I don't think any of my past posts have gone viral, although some of the older ones have had quite a few hits. I just hope these posts weren't spammed. Nothing in the comments to suggest that. Maybe blogger is finally blocking spa...
To no one's surprise Donald Trump exploited his "friendly talk" with Barack Obama at the state funeral for Jimmy Carter. I thought Barack knew better than engaging with Donald, especially after Jill Bidens' moment with Trump at the dedication to the restored Notre Dame cathedral became a promo for his $199 cologne. Sure, you say hello out of politeness but there he was " yukking it up " with Donald, making it so easy for anyone to put words in his mouth afterward. Words that Donald was all too glad to share on Truth Social. It seems that the principal target of this parody was Kamala Harris, who refused to acknowledge Trump. Smart move on her part. Who knows what her future plans are, but Governor of California seems the most logical choice . I don't think she wants to run again for President, assuming we have another election. To hear Republicans talk these days, Trump will be President for Life as we move toward a more autocratic f...