This guy sure has a nasty habit of sticking his foot in his mouth. His latest plea to religious conservatives implied that November will be the last election necessary. Afterward " it'll be fixed ." An off the cuff statement like this would be enough to bury a presidential candidate, but not Trump. He seems to be given an inordinate amount of leeway in the media, as if to say, "what do you expect from a man off his rocker?" Nevertheless, his campaign team tried to rephrase that statement into a call for " unity and prosperity ," but Trump has a hard time hiding his authoritarian streak. After all, he is "great friends" with authoritarian leaders around the world, and doesn't think much of democratic alliances like NATO and the EU. The Kamala Harris campaign is jumping all over his latest statement as proof positive that Trump is a serious threat to democracy. Not that we really needed it, but every self-inflicted wound helps. This ...