Donald Trump gave the closest thing to a policy speech during his campaign in what has been dubbed his " trade speech ." It really is more an anti-trade speech, as he constantly referred to all the trade agreements he would rip up, opting for bi-lateral agreements between favored countries instead. He focused mostly on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which has yet to be ratified in Congress, but I suppose he would also ignore the EU and pursue direct bi-lateral agreements with select member countries, since he views the EU as a similar yoke around the neck of free trade. The strange thing about his speech is that it echoed the trade speech Sarah Palin gave before a Milwaukee audience a few months earlier. In that sense the recycled trash backdrop was very appropriate. The only real difference is that Trump read from a tele-prompter while Sarah had some notes on the podium to guide her through her rambling discourse. NPR graciously fact-checked Tru...