Seems conservatives have picked a new target of derision -- " soccer ." Ann Coulter isn't the only one who sees the game as un-American. G. Gordon Liddy tossed in his two-cents, saying he would rather see South American Indians kick around decapitated heads than watch the World Cup. I have to give the G-man a yellow card. The game did not originate on the American sub-continent. It actually dates back to Greek and Roman times, and was played in ancient China as well, before being popularized in England in the 14th century, long before Columbus or any other European (other than a wayward Viking) ventured to America. All this would be quite amusing if the persons in question didn't take themselves so bats**t seriously. Glenn Beck apparently thinks there is a worldwide conspiracy to get Americans caught up in World Cup fever, deflecting our attention from real events like Benghazi and the IRS scandal. Instead of rooting for America's can-do kids, w...